

Bryan is part of the executive team at eyeQ, and also one of our resident reading enthusiasts.

Homework Management: How to Tackle the Dry Novel

Anyone who has been a high school student likely remembers that one novel everyone hated. The specific novel varied from school to school, but the attributes were the same: it was inexcusably long, the language was thick with outdated idioms, and the characters often showed a severe lack of good judgment. Laboring through one of these novels for a class was just that: labor (and that probably more in the delivery-room sense).

By | August 21st, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts|Comments Off on Homework Management: How to Tackle the Dry Novel

Reading’s Importance in Toddler Speech Development  

From the moment a baby is born parents and medical professionals alike are watching that the child meets certain agreed upon milestones in their development. While there is some acceptable variation, certain general guidelines have been set. One of the main milestones that is monitored in small children is the development of speech skills.

By | August 20th, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts|Comments Off on Reading’s Importance in Toddler Speech Development  

3 Time-Tested Strategies for Reading Tests

As fall fast approaches, and everyone heads back to school, it’s a good idea to consider strategies that will help you move forward on a successful learning path. By considering several tips listed below which may or may not come as a surprise to you, you will improve your scores on reading comprehension tests and be well on your way to hitting the important benchmarks in your academic career.

By | August 18th, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts|Comments Off on 3 Time-Tested Strategies for Reading Tests

Reading’s importance for children with learning disabilities

Reading can be a frustrating process for children with learning disabilities. Reading is a code that if you can't decipher, is completely unintelligible. But reading's importance can not be underestimated, as new studies show.

By | August 18th, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts|Comments Off on Reading’s importance for children with learning disabilities

Want to Read Faster in Under 3 Minutes?

Do you think it's possible to increase your reading speed in just 3 minutes? Well, this video is about to blow your mind. Watch the goodness below.

By | August 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Want to Read Faster in Under 3 Minutes?

Reading’s Importance Measured in MRI scans.

Everyone knows that non-fiction reading is a great way to expand our knowledge base and learn all kinds of information. What about fiction reading? Does reading's importance diminish if someone is just reading a novel and not actively learning academic subject matter?

By | August 11th, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts|Comments Off on Reading’s Importance Measured in MRI scans.

Reading increases empathy, a high demand skill

Education is broadening its focus from main academics to include emotional and social skills. Empathy is a skill that is increasingly sought after, not just in classrooms, but also in professional spaces.

By | August 6th, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts|Comments Off on Reading increases empathy, a high demand skill

Reading’s Importance in Developing Strong Writing Skills

It's clear that reading incentive programs such as the Reading With The Rays program for children (mentioned in a recent news article) and certain programs for adults, exist because the motivation to read does not come naturally for many. But perhaps even more motivating than these community programs is having knowledge about reading's importance in many areas of your life, especially it's importance for developing strong writing skills.

By | July 28th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Reading’s Importance in Developing Strong Writing Skills

Speed Reading Has Its Benefits

When you think of muscles, more than likely the biceps or chest will come to mind. After all, those are the beach muscles . . . they are what everyone notices. However, there's another muscle who often gets forgotten within the pursuit of looking good in a physical nature . . . the brain. Ironically, this is the muscle we should be most concerned with. Biceps and the chest muscles will surely deplete as we age, no matter how hard one tries to maintain them. The brain, however, will relish in continuing strenuous activity long into our golden years. One way to keep your brain young and vivacious is to delve into the world of speed reading.

By | July 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Speed Reading Has Its Benefits

3 Tips for Acing the Verbal Reasoning Section of the MCAT

There’s no question that you’ve put in the time to study for both the Physical and Biological Science sections of the MCAT. You probably wouldn’t have even been thinking of medical school if you hadn’t been as proficient as you are in quantitative reasoning. However, the Verbal Reasoning section of the MCAT can be a bit tricky if you’re not used to reading speedily and aren’t able to quickly comprehend everything necessary to answer the 40 questions from the reading passages in the section in just 1 hour. The following three tips will help you feel more confident as you prepare to take the MCAT, and will drastically help improve your Verbal Reasoning score.

By | July 23rd, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 Tips for Acing the Verbal Reasoning Section of the MCAT